Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Reading 12-13-11

I did a reading yesterday about the future between me and a gentleman I was interested in romantically. I used the Cat's Eye Tarot which I really like. I read reversals for this spread as when I read it all upright it didn't make sense. The spread was Past-Present-Future. I like to use this spread to see if the reading is on target, because if it makes sense for the past and present, I think it will be pretty accurate for the future, at least in that point in time. Even using the reversals, I could  not decide which of the meanings it applied to, so I drew another card to clarify it.
The Past-The Lovers R-One meaning of this card is unrequited love. It goes on to say that there were communication problems and I or the gentleman didn't know how to approach the other. There was confusion and conflict due to misunderstandings. I was idealizing someone or simply the idea of a relationship.
The Present-Two of Swords R-One meaning is that the peace is broken and action is being taken. I am trying to upset the apple cart, and/or knock someone off a fence. I want to break through his complacency. Deeper truths may soon be revealed. This card shows the absurdity of thinking I could hold disturbances at bay.
The Future-Four of Wands R/Two of Cups-This card shows that I will be generally happy and things will work to my advantage, but I dread incompatibilities and the social niceties that come from reunions and social events. My own insecurities and inhibitions will surface and I am uncomfortably aware of what tarnished lives lurk below the surface. There is something lacking in my own pleasure.Rites of passage could be atypical, like an unsanctioned marriage. This guy is considerably younger than me and if we get together, I especially will suffer from jokes and put downs because of the age difference. The Two of Cups signifies a bridging and harmonizing of the split between us. I haven't seen him in a while. It can indicate a marriage or engagement or simple friendship. We will seek to transcend our differences. Together the two cards seem to be saying that there will be differences between us that will be hard to overcome, but we will succeed and join together for a higher purpose.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

     Today I decided to use the Sorcerers Tarot. I found this interesting spread for Love and Relationships that I had to try. The first card represents the person who is asking for the information (me). What is my position in love? For this card I drew the Two of Wands. This card symbolizes ambition. It is saying I have a desire to go far (in love), and to do things never done before (by me). I want to follow a dream and to leave room for desires.
     The second card would be about the person I am in interested in. It relates to the situation of the man. For this card I drew the Ten of Pentacles. This card symbolizes family and accepting a bond. It is about living among others, exerting personal authority, and recognizing one's affinities with someone else.
     The third card reveals the information on changes and challenges in our future together. For this card I drew the Six of Pentacles. This card symbolizes impulsiveness,  turning to other, overcoming a prejudice, seeing beauty in ugliness, and not thinking of oneself.
     So what I get from this reading is that I am looking to follow my dreams for love with this man. He is accepting the bond and recognizing his affinity with me. Together one or the other or both of us will be overcoming prejudices towards each other, seeing beauty in each of our uglinesses, turning to each others and not just thinking of ourselves. I think that I may be the one learning to thinking of another outside of myself. He may be overcoming prejudices.

Monday, November 21, 2011

I drew these cards yesterday but only had time to post about them today. Already I have seen some of them come about, I think. The Ring card about a marriage taking place I think refers to a student I just confirmed taking on to tutor today. The Goldfish card may apply to how I will increase my material wealth by being paid to tutor. News on the way might be the email I got earlier today from the owner of the tutoring business who sent me a message about the student, and when I would meet her. The Pail card might have to do with the fact that this morning was my last day working at a temporary job, so I left the place I was working at i.e. it was time to get out of that situation. The Boot card may be talking about either my job hunting efforts or my tutoring. In both cases I need to work on them. I haven't experienced either success or victory yet, except getting the tutoring job, but since it came up in two cards, I think it may refer to more than one thing. I put in an application today, and may put in another few in the next few days, so maybe one of these places will hire me. I will put down more things that happened to me during this week, that I think may be what the cards are referring to, as they occur.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I did a reading for the coming week. I think the Grasshopper applies to the work I will be doing this week, which is very exacting and required to be done as quickly as possible. There is also a Broken Ring, which may have to do with the project at this job being over some time this week. The Crib card I think might apply to the tutoring job that I have been waiting to be contacted about. They have been waiting for my background check to come in. This card may be telling me that they get it, so I can start working for them. The Carriage card may have to do with a class that I have scheduled on Tuesday night, where I have to travel a short distance out of my usual way. Also, Wednesday I have to hurry from my temp job to another tutoring job I have. The card may just be saying that I am going to do a lot of traveling this week, between work and classes. The Axe and Clouds cards may indicate a situation I have with another temp job I had, where I was complained about to the agency that placed me. The situation has really gotten me down, and maybe it is saying that there are forces working against me, but that my problems are temporary, and as the Camel card says, if I just persevere, I will overcome the problems. I have the option of writing this place and defending myself. It is possible the Grasshopper card has to do with this situation, and it is telling me to be careful. Not very happy cards for this week I am afraid. I like this spread in that feedback will be soon. It doesn't have to do with life shattering events, I don't think but things that are day to day.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Regarding the Tea Leaf Fortune Cards reading I did a week ago, something happened that I think applies to it. I just received a letter from a temporary employer who wrote me to tell me that there had been a complaint about my job performance at a job I recently worked. The letter was written 3 days after I did the reading. Even though it is about a job, I feel that the reading applied to this because the person I am most romantically interested in I know from a job (not the same job) and how I did on the job I had trouble with affects my feelings about the job I know the guy from, and consequently affects my feeling for him. Anyway, I started to get a feeling they had complained about me 3 days after the reading, but didn't get the letter until today. My intuition was correct as the Eye card told me, that someone was against me, as the Vulture card said. But since all the cards are supposed to be linked together, the Rainbow card tells me that the most difficult part of a situation is behind me, which is true, as it was a temp job and I won't be going back there. I am just concerned that this situation will repeat itself, and don't know if the card is telling me that it won't. I guess time will tell.

I still don't have any sign of what the last row has to do with. I still think that it is something that will happen in 4 months.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tea Leaf Fortune Cards

I just got the Tea Leaf Fortune Cards recently and was eager to use them. This is the second edition of the cards and was designed by Rae Hepburn and illustrated by Shawna Alexander. They are published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

I used a spread from the book called The Astral House Pyramid Method. I did a reading about Love a couple of days ago, which is what the top card shows. The next row down are things that can occur in 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 months. I drew Dogs and Clouds. We are supposed to try to link the cards up in the order they come in, so I interpreted them to mean I would get together with what I consider to be friends, and then there would be temporary problems. My sister and her family just came over today to celebrate her birthday. There were some minor squabbles, and they left after a little over an hour, just eating the food my mother had spent all day cooking. She had spent yesterday and today cleaning up the house for them. It was a big deal to her, and they could only stay for an hour. She was pretty disappointed, but its not the end of the world.

The next level shows things that will happen in 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months. The first card is Vulture, which signifies that something will cause me to fell depressed and anxious. I will worry that someone is against me. The Eye card tells me that I should trust my intuition, so I think that this is telling me that my feelings are correct and somebody will be against me, but the Rainbow card after that shows that the most difficult part of the situation that I am worried about will be over. So I interpret that as even though people may be waiting for me to make a misstep, I have dealt with the most difficult part of the situation, and things will be much easier for me in the future. This is something to do with romance. I have a feeling this will be in either 3 weeks or 3 months.

The final level shows things that will happen in 4 days, 4 weeks or 4 months. The first card is the Ring. This signifies that a marriage will take place either romantic or business. Since this reading is about love, I would say it is telling me that I will get married in 4 months. I am not even dating anyone right now, so there is no way I am getting married in 4 days. Neither do I think 4 weeks is a possibility. The only thing that could be possible is in 4 months. So to link up the cards the next card is the Rat. This signifies that there will be someone working against me behind my back. I would guess this person would be trying to break up the marriage. There is a warning with the card to be careful what I say and do as it could be used against me. This includes accusing anyone of being the rat, as it could come back to haunt me. After the Rat comes the Heart card. The heart card signifies that I have feelings of deep love and affection for someone who feels the same for me. So again since this is a love reading, I'm guessing it is saying that the Rat is working to break us up, but our love still remains. The final card is the Younger Woman card. This signifies that I will have important dealings with a younger woman. She may be friend or foe. She may be the Rat from earlier. She may be someone totally different. I suspect that the man I am interested in has a daughter in her teens. I do not know anything else about her. She could have nothing at all to do with the Rat, but she will be important as a result of the marriage and love. I do not think she is a baby.

I just got this deck so I am not too familiar with it. I wondered what the chances were for me to get two very positive cards that are pretty definitely about romance in the deck. There is 182 cards in the deck of which 18 aren't used for readings. That leaves 164 cards out of which I found 6 which I could say definitely had something to do with romance and only 5 were positive. I got 2 of those 5. So I would say that if the cards are at all accurate they are saying pretty definitely that there is a big romance in my future. So far, they have been reasonably accurate, if the events of today are anything to go by. But only time will tell. If things start happening the way the cards say they will, then I will have some forewarning about what I need to be careful about in those situations in the future.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Reading with Archangel Oracles on January 23, 2011

I felt the need for something a little lighter and more positive so I pulled out my Archangel Oracle deck from Doreen Virtue. Like the Bohemian Gothic, I feel like this deck goes too far a certain way, in this case, too positive, but sometimes that is what is needed especially in the middle of winter on my birthday and after a reading like the previous one from a dark deck. So I pulled a card asking "What I should I be aware do at this time?" and got the card "Teaching and Learning." The angel Zadkiel is on this card and the message is "Keep an open mind, and learn new ideas. Then teach these ideas to others." I think that this card is encouraging me in my study of metaphysical topics, and saying that I will be able to teach what I am learning about divination and other metaphysical ideas to others in the future. Since I kind of asked the question in relation to my previous reading, I feel like this card is saying that what I am learning and experiencing now I could teach to my love interest in the future. Possibly this learning will be something we can share together. Also, I think it is telling me that I should participate in groups where I have the opportunity to share my ideas with others. I belong to a Meet-up group that studies the tarot. I haven't been able to participate very much yet, because of bad weather, but I hope to be able to do more in the future. In addition, there are classes in Tarot that occasionally become available in my community, and I think this card is advising me to get involved with those.

Another thing about how I like the Archangel deck better than the Healing with the Angels deck. I have come to the conclusion that there are different decks for different purposes and depending on where I am in my life, one deck may be better for certain times and certain issues/questions than others. It also makes me feel that even though I don't like a deck to begin with, or it falls out of favor, I should keep it because I may end of liking it again.

Legacy of the Divine Reading on 1/23/11

I did this reading on January 23, 2011. It was after the reading I did with the Bohemian Gothic Tarot. I asked the same question, as I wasn't satisfied with the reading I got from the Bohemian Gothic. I felt it was too dark. Like I said I wasn't satisfied with the insight I gained from the Bohemian Gothic Tarot, so I decided to do a spread with the Legacy of the Divine Tarot. The spread I used is called The “Determining Attraction” Spread". It looks like:


1.) What quality is So-&-So attracted to (in general, not in you)?
2.) How does So-&-So view me physically?
3.) How does So-&-So view my personality?
4.) What would So-&-So think of being on a date with me?*
5.) Advice on how to be most attractive to So-&-So?
I pulled the following cards:

1) Queen of Swords-He's attracted to a woman that has a complex mind that enables her to deal with complex situations. A woman who having experienced pain, and having faced it with courage, acceptance, and honesty, has now found wisdom.
2) King of Cups rx-might mean he sees me as ill and cranky, and indulging in too much eating and drinking. In fact he may think I need to go see a doctor.
3) The Hanging Man-He views my personality as being hung up or in a state of suspension, sacrificing myself or something for something greater. He might see me as waiting for him to make the first move.
4) Justice-How he views going out with me is that he thinks that this is the way things are "meant" to be. I've heard before that Justice symbolizes karma, therefore maybe he sees it as fate.
5) 9 of Coins-What would make me more attractive to him is if I became more self-reliant and independent. Also, he would like it if I acted more confidant and successful. I'm living with my mother and unemployed...this is probably referring to that.

I took the most meanings that made the most sense to me from the many I found in the numerous books I have. I hope that they are accurate, if so I feel I am getting a positive on him being attracted to me. I almost think it is saying that he is waiting for me to pull my life together before he makes a move and initiates something. I think I am somewhat like what the cards are telling me he is attracted to.

Reading done on January 1, 2011

As I said I am consolidating 2 blogs, I posted this on the other one on January 1, but I don't know how to post it here after the fact, so that it shows to be posted on January 1 instead of February 23. Anyhow, I was doing daily draws from my Doreen Virtue Angel decks (Archangel and Healing with the Angels). So far I like Archangel Oracle Cards better...but I am using both. It just seems to work for me to give me advice...I didn't think it would, because I heard so many negative things about the Doreen Virtue cards, but when I went to this website and found the messages really kept hitting home, I decided to get the deck. I feel "hey, whatever works" and "sorry if that bothers some people but it isn't hurting anybody and I'm the one who has to live my life." Anyway, the one I have been working with the last few days is from the Archangel cards and says "You Know What To Do: Archangel Uriel: Trust your inner knowledge and act upon it without delay." There have been some things I really need to take care of that I have been procrastinating on, so this card really helps to remind me to get onto it and get them done, or I will be sorry. I have left the card up on a little stand so I can see it occasionally and it will keep reminding me of this.

I also included a scan of the back of the cards.

Reading done on January 1, 2011

Pulled 12 Cards for the Year using the Universal Waite Tarot
January     King of Wands
February   Queen of Cups
March       3 of Cups
April          9 of Wand
May           The Star
June           Ace of Swords
July            Ace of Cups
August       4 of Coins
September The Tower
October      6 of Wand
November   The Chariot
December    9 of Coins

We'll see how the year turns out and what interpretation I give it now versus how things end up. I also plan on doing a Gypsy Witch spread, but the book says to do that on January 18 (happens to be my mother's birthday) I might do it on January 22 instead as that is my birthday....seems it would fit symbolically.

For January the prediction is King of might indicate a person coming into my life. If so, he/she is a person who is responsible for maintaining a group of people. He/she's strong-minded, and able to dominate others' by the force of his/her will. She/he has a firm belief in his/her own rightness. He/she knows the truth and what is right and expects others to follower her, naturally. He/she directs his/her energy into useful projects or long term career. She/he is an adventurous person who is uncomfortable in this role. He/she is naturally honest, seeing no reason or value in lies. They are positive and optimistic because their energy burns so strong in them that he/she would express negativity. They can be intolerant and unable to understand weakness or despair because they haven't experienced these things themselves. "If I can do it, so can you!" is their motto.
(Images from Aquarian Tarot)

February 2011
Queen of Cups predicts developing a romance, psychic powers or a family (or maybe all three together ;)

For March-3 of Cups
Three maidens with three overflowing cups celebrate. The creation here, springing from the relationship in the two of cups, is happiness, togetherness. Two cups pour into a third and it overflows with love and joy, enough for all. This is a card of parties, weddings, anniversaries, baby showers, and birthdays. Any time that families get together and reunite in celebration of something new.

April-9 of Wands
Nine is a card of completion (so is Ten, but we'll get to that). Like the Hermit, who connects to the nines, it is a card where something is finished and the person in turn steps back to look on what he's done, earned, or gained. Nines are among the most powerful cards, usually granting the Querent what it is they, like the Hermit, are seeking. A wounded man holding a wand stands guard over the other eight wands. Think of this card as the "staircase" card; you climb flight after flight of stairs to get to the top; but finally stop, panting, and wonder "Will I ever get to the top?" What the Querent seeks most, leadership, a successful career, is right there. They've only to shine the Hermit's light upward to see it. They might feel tired, wary and on guard; but remind them that they have reserves of energy and strength for that final push. Completion of all they've worked for is right there, all they need do is go for it!

May is The Star
With Aquarius as its ruling sign, The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench the Querent's thirst, with a guiding light to the future. The Star is one of those cards everyone loves. In every deck, it is usually the most beautiful. It suggests the peace and harmony of its meaning. There is nothing negative about this card, but I think there is a trick to it. Whatever hope, healing, or future it offers, the reader must remember that it might not be immediate. This is a soft card, and like Aquarius, its vision is for tomorrow, not today. That's not to say that it offers no concrete benefits; it is a card that predicts unexpected help, but that help is only the first step. The star only reveals the future. It is up to the Querent to find his way to that future. 

June is Ace of Swords
Aces are the root force. They are the spark. They are related to the Magician, who presents the tools to the Fool. They have no purpose yet, but are filled with raw potential. They are the active energy of the suit ready to be used. They can also indicate direction or season, though which stands for which is often debated. The "usual" directions and seasons indicated is East/Spring. The mind is awakening for new challenges. This usually indicates that the person's mind is feeling sharper, clearer. They want to talk, want to discuss or write. The breeze stirs through the trees and the fledgling thinks of trying out its newly feathered wings. The sword is lifted, and the Querent wants to test its edge.

July is Ace of Cups

Emotions rising up for new love. This usually indicates that the querent is feeling a new welling of emotion or beginning to have some vivid dreams. They're not writing the poetry yet, but they feel the desire to, or they may have caught sight of a figure across a room and felt a tug at their heart. They've lifted the cup and they want to drink from it.

August is 4 of Coins
Fours are ruled by the Emperor. Like both the Emperor and his throne they signify a kind of stability, a holding pattern if you will. For a moment, everything is still, solid, rooted, established. This can be positive, a solid foundation, or negative, something that refuses to budge or change. In this case, the refusal to budge may be damaging. This is the miser card. Remember how the Querent got more work, money, luck, health in the last card, the Three of Pentacles? Well, he's holding on tight to what he's got, not sharing it with anyone, not investing it in the future, just holding onto it, trying to keep it still and unchanging. When this card appears it tells the Querent that they're in a position of status, health, money, even comfort. Solid, and unchanging. But the Querent is too afraid of losing all this. The card reminds them to throw their bread upon the waters. Share the wealth; be generous with good luck and good fortune. A miser lives always in fear, never able to take delight in what they have, or create from it those things worth having like friends, family, and a good name. Relax a little, be less worried about loss of what you have - it's not going anywhere. Focus, instead, on how to make the best of what you've got while you're around to enjoy it. 

September 2011 is the Tower. 
The Tower stands for false concepts and institutions that we take for real. When the Querent gets this card, they can expect to be shaken up, to be blinded by a shocking revelation. It sometimes takes that to see a truth that one refuses to see. Or to bring down beliefs that are so well constructed. What's most important to remember is that the tearing down of this structure, however painful, makes room for something new to be built. The thing to remember is it is for the best. Nothing built on a lie, on falsehoods, can remain standing for long. Better to tear it all down and rebuild on the truth. It is not going to be pleasant or painless or easy, but it will be for the best. 

October 2011 is 6 of Wands
The Victory Card: A victorious man on a horse, applauded by all, enters carrying a wand with a laurel wreath. Here is the conclusion to what happened with the Five of Wands. Competition was fierce, an answer had to be found to make the Querent stand out, make them different, special. Ah-HA! says the 6 of Wands. The Querent has found (or will find) that solution. Success, in fact, requires that they be above all others, that they make themselves a champion of the people. Note the give-and-take common to all 6's. The crowd offers the victor applause. He, in turn, offers them a champion to adore. For this moment, both are happy, the victor with the adulation, the crowd with their hero.

November 2011 is The Chariot
It means a union of opposites, like the black and white steeds. They pull in different directions, but must be (and can be!) made to go together in one direction. Control is required over opposing emotions, wants, needs, people, or circumstances; to bring them together and give them a single direction, your direction. Confidence is also needed and, most especially, motivation. The card can, in fact, indicate new motivation or inspiration, which gets a stagnant situation moving again. It can also imply, on a more pragmatic level, a trip (usually by car), a vehicle - or a message.On the one hand, the Chariot indicates loyalty and faith and motivation; a conviction that will lead to victory no matter the odds. But the chariot can also signal a ruthless, die hard desire to win at any cost. The Querent should be reminded to save his energy for what comes after. Victory is just the start of things. 

December 2011 is the 9 of Pentacles 
A woman in her private garden watches over nine "blossoming" pentacles. Like the Hermit, the woman here has retreated from the world, but unlike him it is into a private world of pleasure. This card signifies a lucky windfall or payment for work well done, enough to buy what you most want. It can also indicate a retreat to a spa or one of those beautiful bed & breakfast inns where you're pampered and waited on hand and foot. Everything is lovely, luxurious. The physical things the Querent has been seeking, things they wanted but were unable to buy, they will finally be able to have. 


My Personality Card

XXI - The Universe
Neptune as the cosmic omniscience and Pluto as central power of creation
Planet: Saturn
Tree of life: From Malkuth to Yesod
Element: Earth

Number: 21 as the symbol of the whole, 3 x 7, the cross sum is the 3

The Universe as the end and completion of the Major Arcana is the symbol for the zenith of development - the achieved goal. The work is done or will soon be and we have found our place in life or will soon do so.

Seeing the second decade of the Major Arcana as a way of self-realization, the Universe becomes the crown and the end. The Death was the rebirth, the Art the beginning of the alchemic work, the Devil the overcoming of restrictions, the Tower the breakdown of the jail. We followed the Star, explored the Moon, found the Sun and watched the Phoenix rise from the ashes. Finally, we touched the Universe.

On a more practical level the Universe implies the good news that a goal has been achieved, or a success sure to come, and that a venture will florish.

In its negative aspect the trump can tell us that we are running after false ideas, that our way leads nowhere, that it is far too early to reach out for the Universe for there's substantial work that has yet to be done.

Drive: Enterity and completition, harmony between spirit and body

Light: Being home in one's self, inner independence, the 'mental paradise'

Shadow: False visions, being on a street to nowhere

The Element of Earth

Minor Arcana: The Suit of Disks/Coins/Pentacles

Court Card: Princesses/Pages

Major Arcana: The Empress, The Hierophant, The Hermit, The Devil, The Universe

Level: Nefesh

World: Assiah

The Element of Earth 
is the essential matter, it is the most stable and fixed of the elements and has no mobility whatsoever. It is passive but solid, inflexible and concrete. It is ground and form and also the material body of living things.

The Earth is dry and cold, formative and determing. it is structuring and materializing. While Air and Fire ascend and Water descends, the Earth is fixed at the bottom; it is the secure, solid foundation of being, the ultimate physical body.

Earth is the element most depending on the other elements for Earth alone is dead and lifeless, rigid and cold, mere material without the trace of anything alive in it. It needs Water to be fertilized, Air to be animated, and Fire to be inspired. On the other hand, it is the most important base for all others to be grounded - therefore it is associated withMalkuth, called 'the Kingdom' in the Tree of Life.

In the Kabbalah Earth is associated with Nefesh - the 'Animal Soul' and the world of Assiah which is the world of Making, the world of Action. It is the one world where all forms take place and are finally united, the spiritual principle of stable, inflexible synthesis, the passive imposition of form.

At this point one should note that the Kabbalah actually does not equate the Earth with an element in the same veign as Fire, Water and Air. When we remember the nature of Malkuth it is not anything emanating from above but a fixed plane, the ultimate receiver where all emanations take their final form. It is root and origin because it is there where the physical, comprehensable existance actually begins to manifest.

As an example: figure you want to write somthing, an essay, a poem, a novel. Fire would represent your spirit to do so, Water would give depth and meaning to what you want to write, Air would provide the means to develop and structure your writing, put it into an eligible literary form. Earth would be the ink and the paper (or any other means required to transform your aspirations into actual, physical existance).

In Tarot Earth is represented by the Disks, standing for all things material - which does not only mean 'profane materials' but the actual body and form of our existance.


I decided I would consolidate this blog with another blog I started so that I didn't keep getting confused as to where I wanted to post stuff, so I will gradually be adding all that to this one.

Anyway, I thought I would try to blog about cards I drew for my daily draw from the deck, Money and the Law of Attraction Cards by Esther and Jerry Hicks. I got these cards to help me with my finances and to meditate on. After I started using them, I realized it would help me to process them if I wrote my thoughts on what I drew each day so here I go....

These cards have no LWB but have the meaning/affirmation for the card on one side and an image on the other. This card is number 33 (doesn't show in the scan for some reason) and shows the image of a woman with a keyhole in her left eye, and holding a key in one of her hands. A light shines from the keyhole to the key. I think how this applies to me is that I do feel like I have been treated unjustly in the past with regards to my career, and it has made me tentative about trying to find and hold a job again, for fear that the same will happen again. I feel like this card is telling me that I need to think about something else, and quit ruminating about the past. Once I do that I will feel better and have more energy to go out and get the kind of job that is right for me, and will enjoy it, instead of having what happened in the past happen to me again. I need to look around me and see all the good things that are happening and think and meditate on that, to help me see how things can go good, and life can be a creative and zestful experience.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


My Soul Card

People who have The Empress as a soul card have the ability to
create and influence the things around them.  You are a person
strongly in touch with the environment around you.  Things develop, grow and mature under your watchful eye.  You make a good
parent, coach or mentor and are especially good at bringing out
the creative in others.  You may also be rather prolific yourself.
You understand the need to maintain an ecological balance and
that everything depends upon everything else.
In divination The Empress is about productivity and growth.  She
is viewed as the Universal Mother.  I have seen this card represent things from my client’s mother to advise to nurture an idea.
With The Empress as your soul card, in order to reach your full
potential, you need to develop patience.  Not everything is going
to spring up over night.  Give things time to develop.
Below is a picture of your soul card.  Spend some time looking at
it and if you feel moved to do so, try colouring it.  Pay attention to
how you feel and react to this card.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

1-22-11 Reading

I did a reading about the future of the relationship between myself and a romantic interest, with the Bohemian Gothic second edition standard. The 3-card spread was past, present and future. I threw the following...

Past-Knight of Wands
Present-Ace of Swords
Future-Tree of Pentacles rx

The card for Past is the Knight of Wands. I see this as showing me as the lady in the background grieving and watching the man, who appears to be ignoring her and looking away. There is a horse in the background-I love horses and was trying to learn to ride not to long ago, would like to again in the future. I think the horse refers to me...maybe he has liked horse also in the past. The man is careful with his appearance, almost to the point of being a dandy. It is like I was dead to him. 

The card for the Present is the Ace of Swords. The Ace of Swords is considered as the "truth" card: cutting through the BS to get to the heart of a matter, and with a minimal of emotion. In this card though, the sword is upside down from the typical position it is in of pointing upward. This makes me think that it therefore means the opposite of what it typically means. Perhaps it indicates that I have a "Fear" of facing the truth him. I do tend to avoid conflict or speaking what I truly feel or think. Maybe he is that way also.

There is also, however, a "Sword in the Stone" feel to it. Will someone young and new pull this sword out and use it once more? That our Ace of Swords begins in a flowering graveyard suggests, to me that new ideas, mental inspirations, intellectual "flowering" are often inspired by past deeds and acts or words. It's in old battles from ages past that we discover weapons to carry into new battles. Maybe starting up a relationship with him would be hard, like pulling the sword out, but then it will be the beginning of a great change for me like what happened with King Arthur. 

The Future is the Three of Pentacles reversed. The good doctor, from his laboratory, watches his monster taking it's first steps, revealing itself from under the bandages; he is both shocked and triumphant! He's done it! You can almost hear him saying, "Alive! It is ALIVE!" All his hard work, all his plans, the realization of his vision made manifest. And is cobbled together, imperfect. The beginning, not the end of what he hopes to achieve. And there will be a cost to this initial success as we who've read the story well know. Thus, we have the 3/Pents meaning of something envisioned being made concrete, the initial completion of some part of a work-in-progress. We have the message that persistence and skill can bring real world results no matter how impossible something may seem on paper (don't give up, even if they call your idea "mad!" and insane!). We have that feeling of pride in an achievement. We have the idea that this will turn doubters into believers and finally earn the craftsman support. Yet, at the same time, we also have that knowledge that the craftsman's materials do not come free. He is going to have to pay for that stolen brain he put into that monster in some fashion or other.  And the good doctor is certainly going to be remembered for his work. 

Since I am reading with a dark deck to begin with, I am going to take the meaning I am getting with it upright and discount the typical reversed meaning. I think what it is telling me it that a romantic relationship will be born between the two of us, but it will be cobbled together like the monster, and I things won't go the way I want them to. Maybe after a while I will forget that I wanted it in the beginning, and not want to take responsibility for all the things that keep a relationship going.

I love the Bohemian Gothic Tarot but I think that I am going to switch to a more balanced deck in the future and save it for readings where I want to look at the shadow side of question. I think this deck is too tilted towards things being dark and is in my opinion mainly useful for looking at those kinds of issues.